a manager says "go"... a leader says "Let's go"
seriously I can't wait till the day I'm sitting in my own house with my own car and a beautiful family and I can actually say "I made it"!
cry as much as you want to, but make sure when you're finished, you never cry fot the same reason again
mam zespół ziemniaka... chcę leżeć w ciemnym, ciepłym kącie i żeby przez kilka tygodni nikt mnie nie ruszał.
i want to wake up every single day and be the best version of me. There is no room for fear. zero
it's saturday... time to go make some stories for monday.
mimo najszybszych samolotów do wczoraj nie ma już powrotu.
i don't care how attractive you think you look, if you have an ugly heart, you're ugly.
nothing soothes the soul like a walk on the beach.
you accepted me for who I am and not for who you wanted me to be.
nobody baby, but you and me.
A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets.