I fell like I can't wait for you any longer : and when I ask when you're saying 'soon' 'when everything will be sorted' what the fuck does it mean? I need you to be
I fell like I can't wait for you any longer :( and when I ask when you're saying 'soon' 'when everything will be sorted', what the fuck does it mean? I need you to be specific with me... cos if not I am gonna sort my life without you... I'll disappear for a year and what you gonna do then? will you wait? I'll tell you then 'yeah, we will meet soon ;)'
and you know what? I could move to you for few months.. let's say till Christmas, but I won't do it cos you can't speak about your feelings ;) and you won't tell me that you want me in UK with you... but if you would just say 'come to me and stay for 3 months, we will live together, i have plae for us' you know what I would do? pack myself and come to you. Believe me, I would... I have nothing to lose now. I'm in the moment of my life when I have nothing.. but you will never say it to me ;) I know this... and I need guy who knows what he wants and can speak what he thinks... and I feel you're not that guy :(
I don't like days like this... when i have too much time to think... cos I'm thinking we won't be happy together.. I'm telling you already what's wrong, what I don't like, what I would like to change, what we need to work on and what? nothings changing ;) so how it will work if it's not working already? oh well, to be honest I never felt we will work as a couple... we're 1000 miles apart... you have family there... life, friends, job... there's no way you can be happy here... even if we will try (which I don't belive we will, cos you won't move here for ever....) we fail.. you won't be happy... I know this, I feel this...
I feel that I will regret what i've done... I'll be alone till the rest of my life... as a punishment for what I've done... Karma is a bitch...
I feel you don't care anymore... do you remember how you used to write to me in every possible second of your day? I remember... and now? if I get one message per hour from you I'm lucky... and most of it its just one word, emoticons or if I'm very lucky one sentence... and of course youre telling me nothing even if I said to you that you need to start taking to me... its not gonna work like this... I'm telling you this.. and I told you it won't work like this, but you're not listening ;) none of you never listen... just don't be surprised when you lose me...
you know what I need? constant attention... if I ever feel like you've lost interest in me that's it... I need you to care about me, I need you to worry about me, I wanna be your world.. I want you to make me feel special, like I am the one, I want you to talk to other people how happy I make you, I want to be the best for you, I want to feel safe in your arms.. I want you to be crazy and surprise me all the time, I want you to kidnap me and take me somwhere I don't know, I want you to leave me a note on the frigde how much you miss me, how much you care... I want you to show me everyday how important I am to you.. I just want you to love me........
nadiee8 dodał komentarz: |
30 lipca 2020 |
and I really don't think we will work :( I think you won't be happy in Poland... not knowing the language, not having any friends or family around... you don't realise how hard this will be...
and I know you've been through a lot of shit in your life.. I know it wasn't easy for you.. but you need to start talking to me about your problems cos I don't want you to hide your feelings... I wanna be part of you , I want to be first person you will think of when you have a problem, I want to be first you will tell about everything... but I don't feel like this :(
you know what I miss the most? our very beginnings... when I was checking my e-mail every single few minutes hoping that you wrote something to me... and when you were writing all this nice things to me.. them long messages, do you know how often I am going back to them to just read how it was? and we didn't even start for good and I feel like it's already different.. like something already changed... it shouldn't look like this already :(
and you know what? at the beginning you've said I don't believe you and I don't trust you.. but I believed in everything you've said and I believed that you can make me happy as you said you will do everything for me and you make me the happiest woman on the earth and that's why I started thinking I am not happy with him... you made me realise I don't wanna be with him, that I can be happy with you, so I broke up with him FOR YOU... but what if all you've said it was just words? you said you can be romantic for me... you've said that you can just book a holidays without telling me and make a surprise, you've said you'll move to Poland for me.. you've said you want to marry me... you've said you want to build a house with me... you've said you will make me happy... and we will be like this for ever, not just at the beginning and I told you it all sounds like a movie... cos it does... and you'll see we will just be like all the other couples... cos life is not a movie..
oh yes and with my ex was the same... do you know why is he my 'ex' now? cos he didn't listened to what I am saying... I told him what I need so many times and he just thought I am his for ever and he doesn't have to try anymore... oh well... all you need to do is just pay attention to me and listen what I am saying, I am always telling you what I need... just start listening and everything will be alright ;)