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Teksty znajomych użytkownika xxembrace

LIstening songs that i even can't understand but love it.

gandziolek dodano: 30 kwietnia 2016

LIstening songs that i even can't understand but love it.

You dream about something so much that you get to the madness. Even you are viewing the preview satellite to even the eyes there to stay ... Pathetic or frightening?

gandziolek dodano: 30 kwietnia 2016

You dream about something so much that you get to the madness. Even you are viewing the preview satellite to even the eyes there to stay ... Pathetic or frightening?

Never change yourself for some reasons.

gandziolek dodano: 29 kwietnia 2016

Never change yourself for some reasons.

Yes that's me.

gandziolek dodano: 29 kwietnia 2016

Yes that's me.

GOT7   Confession Song

gandziolek dodano: 27 kwietnia 2016

GOT7 - Confession Song ^^

If only I could meet him at least once ... Not fanmeeting   but just natural. As a private person ... This is one of many of my dreams  but perhaps the most unattainable.

gandziolek dodano: 25 kwietnia 2016

If only I could meet him at least once ... Not fanmeeting , but just natural. As a private person ... This is one of many of my dreams, but perhaps the most unattainable.

Oh God when i can escape from this place?

gandziolek dodano: 23 kwietnia 2016

Oh God when i can escape from this place?

I see him every night in my dreams.

gandziolek dodano: 21 kwietnia 2016

I see him every night in my dreams.

W tym wszystkim nie pojmuję dlaczego taki talent jak Ty zrezygnował z siebie. Po prostu wróć! teksty schooki dodał komentarz: W tym wszystkim nie pojmuję dlaczego taki talent jak Ty zrezygnował z siebie. Po prostu wróć! do wpisu 19 kwietnia 2016
I just want to meet someone from other world

gandziolek dodano: 18 kwietnia 2016

I just want to meet someone from other world

No one can stop me ...

gandziolek dodano: 17 kwietnia 2016

No one can stop me ...

From now on  I need a kick of energy. I need changes. I have to be fast  agile and clever .

gandziolek dodano: 17 kwietnia 2016

From now on, I need a kick of energy. I need changes. I have to be fast, agile and clever .

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