I wonder if the things that remind me of you, remind you of me.
If you don’t like me, remember it’s mind over matter. I don’t mind and you don’t matter.
Vncent Van Gogh. Everyone said to him "You cant be a great painter, you only have one ear". And you know what he said? "I can't hear you".
Bitch, I think you should eat makeup so you could be pretty on the inside too.
Everything would be easier if we could google how a certain person felt about us.
With you it's just different. Not a good different, not a bad different. It's just not the same, That's all.
Sometimes, giving up is the only thing left to do. Holding on to something is easy. You get used to it, you settle for what you don't have. But giving up? It takes courage. It takes strength to let go and move on when every piece of you doesn't want to. It takes strength to convince your mind, your heart to leave it all behind. And it's by overcoming the will not to that you become a stronger person.
"Username or password incorrect" Well, can you tell me which one is incorrect?
świat zostaw w tyle, jeśli Ona, wszystkim jest co dziś masz. zostaw świat, nim się przekonasz, że bez niej nic nie jest wart. świat zostaw za sobą, dumę schowaj, biegnij za nią co tchu. a kiedy dogonisz weź w ramiona, zanim będzie już za późno
Do you know what's wrong with "Sorry"? It gives people the wrong idea that any mistakes can be solved by a single word.
Friendship is when you steal chocolates everyday from my bag and yet I still keep them in the same place.
Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I need it the most.