Zainwestuj w to, co sprawia, że czujesz się dobrze. Reszty unikaj z klasą.
Jak idziesz na szczyt, to musisz mieć pod górkę.
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.
How delicious are fruits when you stop taste them?
1. Character before Charisma.
2. Integrity before Brand .
3. Vision before Mission.
4. Conscious before Decision.
5. Completeness before Purpose.
6. Trust before Influence.
7. Values before Action .
8. Loyalty before Opportunity.
9. Significance before Success.
10. Small before Big.
11. Why before How.
12. Story before Data.
Your thoughts are energy; they can actually change you. In fact, every cell in your body is constantly listening to your thoughts.
Fear is temporary. Regret is forever.
I feel like I’m constantly worrying about the next part of my life without realizing I’m right in the middle of what I used to look forward to.
Czasami danie komuś drugiej szansy jest jak danie mu drugiej kuli, bo nie trafił cię za pierwszym razem.
The hungrier you are, the faster you win.