in the land of the killers, a sinner's mind is a sanctum. Holy or unholy, only have one homie, only this gun. lonely cause don't anyone know me. yet everybody just feels like they can relate
wherever I go, you bring me home
przecież po najgorszej zimie będzie wiosna, nowe kwitną bzy i nikt już nikt nie będzie płakać…
things were all good yesterday
We walked along a crowded street, you took my hand and danced with me in the shade and when you left you kissed my lips. You told me you would never ever forget these images
I won't soothe your pain. I won't ease your strain. You'll be waiting in vain. I got nothing for you to gain.
just stop your crying, have the time of your life
you could be a bad motherfucker but that don't make you a man. now you're just another one of my problems because you got out of hand. we won't survive. we're sinking into the sand..
this could be something, if you let it be something. don’t scare me away'!
nie myśl o szczęściu. nie przyjdzie - nie zrobi zawodu; przyjdzie - zrobi niespodziankę!
sometimes the person you want most, is the person you're best without