Widzę jak zerkasz, takie dziwne to... a ja nadal pojąć nie potrafię, jak łatwo przyszło Ci tak pokochać mnie?...
He has stood behind me while I was sitting down at my desk. I have looked up to see his face. Immediately he has rested his forehead on my head and said: "You don't even imagine how much I need to hold myself back to not kiss your forehead right now"...
And I know I should tell him to stop saying that he loves me. But this feeling of someone actually find you attractive, other than your husband, especially with the lack of self confidence is taking you higher and makes you believe in yourself all over again. It makes you feel alive again.
Please, smile smile smile... Smile for me...
"-I never ever want to see you're sad or crying. And if you will be, I will punch everyone who made you feel that way."
"-Just remember, you're beautiful. And I love you. I really love you."
"-You know it has been 3 years now that we know each other and are working together. And it is also 3 years now that I haven't slept with anyone. But I am 27 now and I want to settle down, I want to get married and have children, even now. I would teach them how to play video games and they would play with me. I have grown up enough to finally settle down..."
"-I really love you - he said. -Yeah, yeah, right. Why would I believe you? You all like to say that all the time, even if you don't actually mean it. -When I actually say it, I mean it!! I know you are married. I don't expect anything from you and that is fine. I just want you to accept that. And if, by any chance, one day you will divorce, I will do anything to keep you in England. But if you still would like to go back to Poland, I would follow you and move all my life. I would happily move to Poland just to be with you. I want to be an option, you know. Even if it is going to be in 5 years, I would like to know first."
Niektórzy ludzie nie płaczą, bo są słabi. Płaczą, bo byli silni zbyt długo...
"Obiecaj mi, że nigdy nie odejdziesz.."
"Liczy się to co przed Tobą. Przeszłość zostaw z tyłu..."
"Popatrz mi w oczy i powiedz, wykrzycz, że nigdy nic nie znaczyłam...