Motywacja jest tym, co pozwala zacząć. Nawyk jest tym, co pozwala Ci wytrwać.
Jak to nazwać, kiedy chce Ci się plakac a nie możesz? Kiedy roznosi Cię gniew, ale jesteś spokojny? Kiedy smutek rozrywa Ci serce, mimo to wciąż się uśmiechasz?
I know you’re sad, so I won’t tell you “have a good day”. Instead, I advise you to simply “have a day”. Stay alive, feed yourself well, wear comfortable clothes, and don’t give up on yourself just yet. It’ll be better soon, until then, have a day.
Making yourself happy again is the biggest comeback.
This Year… this year might not have been your best year. You went throught a lot of pain. You want to quit things. You barely harvested. You might even be questioning where your journey is headed to. But let me tell you- the lessons, realizations and investments you had- you’ll see their results in time. You’ll see each day you survived this year contributed to your growth. To your future. Shake off the guilt that you wasted your time, the regrets that you accomplished so little, the fear that you’re going nowhere. The good things just can’t be seen right now- but they will come.
She passed the hardest moments alone while everybody believed she was fine.
To przykre, ze czasami znajdujemy miłość, która jest najsilniejsza ze wszystkich, jakie dotąd znaliśmy, ale nie moze… nie trwa ona zbyt długo. I nikt mi nie powie, ze to nie miłość… to po prostu zły czas i zle miejsce.
It’s strange, isn’t it? How your heart burns… and burns… and suddenly turns to ice.
Now you’re just a story i tell people when they talk about hurt.
I saved other people from being sad but no one saves me.
First it hurts. Then it changes you.
Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite.