Do you really think that I'd give you that easily ?
` Do you really think that I'd give you that easily ?
` Soon I'll grow up and I won't even flinch at your name .
` You say
That you understand
But you don't
You. Really. Don't.
"You are, and always have been, my dream."
— Nicholas Sparks
"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it"
— Nicholas Sparks
kiedys MY, teraz JA i TY .
` i te głupie SIEMA od ciebie w moim kierunku na ulicy.
` I’m not like other girls. And I think, that was where you made your first mistake, you thought I was like the others stupid girls.
` ..cuz you can do everything if you want.
I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
` Dlaczego pomimo wszystko kocham głupka który olał mnie dla innej ? ..
` Chce tylko żebyś mi obiecał tylko kilka rzeczy, ze będziesz mnie kochał, całował, dzwonił, dbał i nigdy nie ranił .