chodź Kochanie... just chodź... hug me and don't say anything...
chodź Kochanie... just chodź... hug me and don't say anything...
how is it possible that I'm still crying over you? and tell me I had no feelings... :( what's wrong with me?
I just wanna look into your eyes like I used to look before.... :( with that passion, desire, freedom, hapiness....
I wish I could go back to end of April again :(
I will never forget you, I promise you this.... :(
I snapped tonight... I'm lying on bed looking at ceiling from around an hour... suddenly all memories just hounted me... how wonderful was with you in Kraków... how I was lying with you in bed, holding my head on your chest... I wish I could hear your heartbeat... believe me or not, my heart is beating so fast right now... cos I'm thinking of you... You were right... this heart is somewhere there... and you woke it up Honey...
maybe one day in the future we will meet and talk about our past and about how happy we are with someone else... cos there's no future for us anymore... which is so sad... cos there was a moment when I believed we could be happy together
I sometimes think that maybe you and your girlfriend getting well now... and you know what? I really wish you're alright with your girlfriend and you're a happy family with your son... 😔 I really wish you the best of luck... you deserve it..
I even ordered a gift for you for your birthday 😔 I wanted to give it to you when we meet... but when you've said we won't meet, I've sent it back... if you didn't care to even see me for an stupid hour that means you don't care anymore... oh well...
I just don't like to end anything like this... without proper talking... I know I sent you a long goodbying email, but you've said you'll fight 🙄 yeah... I just wanted to meet with you to talk and end it like adults... clear everything between us... but I didn't get a chance..
we could have met last Monday... but it was to hard for you to drive 3 hours for me... not that I've driven 8 hours for you... 🙄 I don't regret it, Kraków will be in my memories for ever, cos it was one of the best moments of my life ;) but that's what left now... only memories...