It may seem like the hardest thing to do .. but you have to forget about the guy who forgot about you ...
It may seem like the hardest thing to do .. but you have to forget about the guy who forgot about you ...
Don't like me ?
Have a seat with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck ;P
Thought that i could live a day without you , without thinking that i needed to hear you'r voice and see you smile , without having to feel you wrap your arms around my waist and kiss my neck . But when i lay there in bed alone , i feel my heart skip a beat when i whisper you'r name and i know that it's truly you
Sex , Drugs , Rock n'Roll
Speed , Weed , Birth Control
Life's a Bitch and then you Die
So Fuck the World
And Lets Go Get High !
Fuck the Rest and Be the Best
Fck de past , kiss de future
just because you accept help from someone, it doesn't mean you have failed it. it just means you aren't in it alone
I wanna be blown away
I wanna be swept off my feet
I wanna meet the one who makes it hard for me to breathe
I wanna be lost in love
I wanna be your dream come true
I wanna be scared of how strong I feel for you
Just call me beautiful, Call me beautiful
Zamknij Sie ... i sie Usmiechnij :D
Jestem tego pewna ... ze gdzies na szczycie gory ... wszyscy razem spotkamy sie
Bo uwielbiam kiedy pisze z Toba i jedno twoje "Kochanie '' do mnie i juz mam usmiech na cały dzien / livelovelife