Akceptujemy lody light zamiast prawdziwych. Nic dziwnego że gdy spotykamy się z czymś prawdziwym nie możemy tego strawić.” Carrie Bradshaw Sex and the City
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
"Akceptujemy lody light, zamiast prawdziwych. Nic dziwnego, że gdy spotykamy się z czymś prawdziwym, nie możemy tego strawić.” - Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City)
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
"I don't know much about algebra but I know 1+1=2 and it's me and you that's all we'll have when this world is through" - Beyonce "1+1"
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
Stop showing the world walls. Let someone find the door instead.
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
I'm tired of picking up all the broken pieces, I'm just gonna leave it's trial and wait for someone who really cares to pick them up and give me back my heart whole again.
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
"Nikt nie powinien bać się rzeczy nieznanych, bo każdy zdolny jest osiągnąć to, czego pragnie i potrzebuje." Paulo Coelho "Zahir"
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
I wanted you bad, I'm so through with that cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had.
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
Everybody hurts, everybody feels this way and it's okay.
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
Two things to remember: don't make decisions when you're angry, and don't make promises when you're happy.
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
Have you ever wondered which HURTS the most? Saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had?
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
But you're just a boy,you don't understand.. .How it feels to love girl, someday you wish you were a better man. You don't listen to her, you don't care how it hurts until you lose the one you wanted 'cause you've taken her for granted, and everything you had got destroyed. But you're just a boy.
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |
We stoped checking for monsters under the bed when we realized they were inside of us.
lelja dodano: 26 luty 2012 |