My goal is to give myself everything I deserve.
I hate small talk. I wanna talk about atoms, death, aliens, sex, magic, intellect, the meaning of life, far away galaxies, the lies you’ve told, your flaws, your favourite scents, your childhood, what keeps you up at night, your insecurity and fears. I like people with depth, who speak with emotion from a twisted mind. I don’t want to know „what’s up”.
Why do you like thunderstorms? Because it shows that even nature needs to scream sometimes.
You are that girl who everyone knew would make it. Independent, fearless, risky, succsessful. That girl who does absolutely everything to create the life of her dreams. That girl who doesn’t need a clap for motivation and is her own fiery muse.
The Universe is guiding you through new directions, you just need to see his actions.
This morning, I woke up different. I accepted that life goes on… i might still love you, I might still miss you, but i’m better without you. So i’m closing this chapter of hurt because i deserve to be happy. The only way I’ll teach that is by letting go of toxic people who don’t want to see me grow. Holding on doesn’t make me strong but letting go does.
I just wanna rent a cabin with a hot tub for like four days in the mountains with wine and great views.
Tak bardzo się cieszę, że zrobiłeś sobie dom pod moim sercem okruszku. [ ciamciaa ♥ ]
kiedyś określiłabym nas jako whiskey z colą. dzisiaj jako pizzę z ananasem. myślę, że zrozumiesz.
Bądź uśmiechnięta mimo, że miałaś ciężki dzień.
Przytulaj innych, mimo że sama potrzebujesz dotyku.
Słuchaj zawsze, mimo że masz coś do powiedzenia.
Dziękuj za to co masz, mimo że marzysz o czymś więcej.
Pomagaj innym, mimo że sama potrzebujesz pomocy.
Bądź w ciszy, mimo że ktoś oczekuje że będziesz krzyczała.
Wybaczaj, mimo że ludzie Cię skrzywdzili.
Bądź przykładem, mimo że sama nie jesteś idealna. Bo w życiu nie chodzi o ideał, ale o to, by być dobrym człowiekiem.
- Maciej Wiszniewski
of all books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.
there's a sunrise and sunset every single day and they're absolutely free. don't miss so many of them.