Be happy. It drives people crazy.
Pragnąc miliona nie zarobisz miliarda.
Focus on a progress, not on a pain.
Psychology before technology.
I don't know where I'll be in 6 months... but I know for sure I'll be fitter, richer, smarter, better!
Don't be afraid about the army lead by the sheep. Be afraid about army of the sheep lead by the lion.
Deadliny, ASAPy, CC i inne bzdury...
Jak zarobić pieniądze na Facebook'u?
1. zaloguj się na swoje konto
2. wejdź w ustawienia
3. kliknij "usuń konto"
4. weź się do roboty
The hunger you are, the faster you win.
Respect all your opponents, but fear NONE.
Smile and the World smiles with you :)