jestem z tych co późno zasypiają, późno wstają, ten kac jest moralny, ten stan jest fatalny, ten plan, który miałem nie staje się triumfalny
Myślisz, że sobie radzisz i nagle ktoś napierdala Ci przeszłością po plecach.
Tyyyy, lala slyszalam, ze jak bylas mala to cie do chrztu na widlach podawali.// jadzkaa00
Facetowi można zaufać tylko kiedy śpi. I to obok ciebie.
Nie przypominam sobie bycia tak martwą,jak teraz.
kolejny blant, kolejna butelka. Wszystko to by życie stało się piękniejsze
- 'Wychodzisz gdzieś skarbie?' - 'Tak mamo, idę na spacer.' - 'To powiedz temu spacerowi, żeby za pół godziny odprowadził Cię do domu.' ;D
K? K what? the letter before L, the letter after J? did u know that JK, K stands for 'kidding' so ur reply is 'kidding' ? or K as in potassium? do u need some Special K for breakfast? K, as in i can K/O u? can i knock u out and feed u to hungry sharks? sharks has K in it
Relationships aren't suppose to be easy, they require work, compromise, dealing with someone else's problems and looking when someone else messes. perfect relationship means doing those things well, expect long nights of fights and talks, heart ache and times of questioning and understanding. it won't be easy but only those who can stick through it survive the first step in a relationship.
People come and go, but life is simply about seeing who cares enough to stay.
3 friends met 40 years after finishing school. The other one went to the toilet and while he was still
there the other 2 discussed about the success of their sons.
1st: My son got a Business Management degree he's so rich that he even bought his friend a Ferrari.
2nd: My son is a pilot he's very rich he recently bought his friend a house worth R5 million.
(The 3rd man came out of the toilet and
they asked him about his) "What about ur son? What has he become?"
3rd: Oh my son is gay. The 2 men were shocked and said "wow that's such a
pity" You must be very disappointed!
3rd man replied and said "No not at all last week it was valentines and he received a R5million house and a Ferrari from his 2 boyfriends
The 2 men fainted!!