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Teksty znajomych użytkownika szefwszystkichszefow

Uważaj na myśli  bo staną się słowami. Uważaj na słowa  bo staną się czynami. Uważaj na czyny  bo staną się nawykami. Uważaj na nawyki  bo staną się charakterem  a charakter stanie się twoim przeznaczeniem. Stajemy się tym o czym myślimy.

bailamorena dodano: 16 luty 2014

Uważaj na myśli, bo staną się słowami. Uważaj na słowa, bo staną się czynami. Uważaj na czyny, bo staną się nawykami. Uważaj na nawyki, bo staną się charakterem, a charakter stanie się twoim przeznaczeniem. Stajemy się tym o czym myślimy.

To nie jest tak  że ja nienawidzę ludzi. Po prostu czuję się lepiej  gdy ich nie ma w pobliżu.

bailamorena dodano: 13 luty 2014

To nie jest tak, że ja nienawidzę ludzi. Po prostu czuję się lepiej, gdy ich nie ma w pobliżu.

The Eyes Shout What The Lips Fear To Say…

bailamorena dodano: 7 luty 2014

The Eyes Shout What The Lips Fear To Say…

Believe in God  like the sun up in the sky. Science can tell us how  but they can't tell us why.

bailamorena dodano: 5 luty 2014

Believe in God, like the sun up in the sky. Science can tell us how, but they can't tell us why.

The challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else.

bailamorena dodano: 4 luty 2014

The challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else.

God gives the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.

bailamorena dodano: 4 luty 2014

God gives the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.

I hated every minute of training  but i said   Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion . :

bailamorena dodano: 4 luty 2014

I hated every minute of training, but i said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion". :)

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat  known suffering  known struggle  known loss  and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation  a sensivity  and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion  gentleness  and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.

bailamorena dodano: 4 luty 2014

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.

I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise because I've been foolish. A WINNER IS A DREAMER  WHO NEVER GIVES UP.

bailamorena dodano: 3 luty 2014

I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise because I've been foolish. A WINNER IS A DREAMER, WHO NEVER GIVES UP.

Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.

bailamorena dodano: 3 luty 2014

Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.

When you don't know what to do   PRAY.

bailamorena dodano: 3 luty 2014

When you don't know what to do - PRAY.

They wanna see you do good  but never better than them. Remember that!

bailamorena dodano: 31 stycznia 2014

They wanna see you do good, but never better than them. Remember that!

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