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Teksty znajomych użytkownika stay

Hopelessly I'll love you endlessly  hopelessly I'll give you everything but I won't give you up .I won't let you down and I won't leave you falling if the moment ever comes.

izabelll dodano: 27 marca 2010

Hopelessly I'll love you endlessly ,hopelessly I'll give you everything but I won't give you up .I won't let you down and I won't leave you falling if the moment ever comes.

Nie mogę dać Ci szczęścia którego tak bardzo pragniesz... wybacz .

izabelll dodano: 27 marca 2010

Nie mogę dać Ci szczęścia którego tak bardzo pragniesz... wybacz .

I believed that youll always be here couse once you promised a life with no fear. Please dont break my ideals and say whats fake was always real. I was the one  now I'm gone...Take me back again ....

izabelll dodano: 26 marca 2010

I believed that youll always be here couse once you promised a life with no fear. Please dont break my ideals and say whats fake was always real. I was the one, now I'm gone...Take me back again ....

http:  www.youtube.com watch?v=UpfSS3cNwjg   Muse

izabelll dodano: 26 marca 2010

The paranoia is in bloom...

izabelll dodano: 26 marca 2010

The paranoia is in bloom...

This is the last time I'll abandon you and this is the last time I'll forget you . I wish I could...

izabelll dodano: 26 marca 2010

This is the last time I'll abandon you and this is the last time I'll forget you . I wish I could...

Look to the stars let hope burn in your eyes And we'll love And we'll hope And we'll die All to no avail...    Spójrz na gwiazdy   pozwól nadziei płonąć w twoich oczach i będziemy kochać i będziemy mieć nadzieję i umrzemy .Wszystko daremnie ...

izabelll dodano: 26 marca 2010

Look to the stars let hope burn in your eyes And we'll love And we'll hope And we'll die All to no avail... | `Spójrz na gwiazdy , pozwól nadziei płonąć w twoich oczach i będziemy kochać i będziemy mieć nadzieję i umrzemy .Wszystko daremnie ...`

I only dream of you my beautiful

izabelll dodano: 26 marca 2010

I only dream of you my beautiful ;**

http:  www.youtube.com watch?v=wQub6 eEZ6k   aaaaaaa Fajowee :D

izabelll dodano: 25 marca 2010

I..I..I Think I Love You So Dont Think Im Crazy When I Tell You This But If You Ever Hurt Me I'll Fuckin Kill You

izabelll dodano: 23 marca 2010

I..I..I Think I Love You So Dont Think Im Crazy When I Tell You This But If You Ever Hurt Me I'll Fuckin Kill You ;)

I just want to let you know my mind refuses to let you go I wanna hypnotise you so you will remember me    Easily forgotten love.......

izabelll dodano: 23 marca 2010

I just want to let you know my mind refuses to let you go I wanna hypnotise you so you will remember me Easily forgotten love.......

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