Don't judge me for my choices when you don't understand my reasons .
I'm done getting mad . I just gotta learn to expect the lowest from people , even the ones I expected the highest from ..
That moment when you burst out crying in your room & you realize that no one knows how unhappy you are .
And at the end of the day , it's still you ,, / Lady Gemini
I can't make you love me , want me or understand me . All I can do is hope that someday you will .
Life is an echo . What you send out - comes back . What you sow - you reap . What you give - you get . What you see in others - exists in you . So stay nice even when others are NOT .
Que sera , sera . / Whatever will be , will be .
If you treat me like an option I'll leave you like a choice .
When you start to wonder whether you can trust someone or not , that is when you already know you don't .
Sztuką jest mieć wyjebane nawet ,gdy pęka Ci serce .
No matter how old you are , your never too old to grow up . / Joe
Imperfect , but I'mperfectly me , and I'm ok with that .