i'm pretty sure when we fall in love we don't realize it.we just like that person and eventually we start defending them and get jealous if they talk to another person.we
i'm pretty sure when we fall in love,we don't realize it.we just like that person,and eventually we start defending them,and get jealous if they talk to another person.we always want to be with them because they make our crappy lives worth living for a few hours a day.they take our pain away;make us laugh,make us mad,make us sad,embarrassed.but no matter what they make us feel,we coming back for more.that's just how love is.
i heard you're a player so let's play a game.lets sweet talk.lets play fight.lets talk 24/7.lets tell each other good morning and good night.lets take walks together.let's give each other nicknames.lets go on dates.lets talk on the phone all night long.lets hold each other.lets kiss and hug.and whoever falls in love first?loses.
when you are attracted to people,it’s because of the details.their kindness.their eyes.the fact that they can get you to laugh when you need it the most.
give me the chance to love you.i'll tell you the only reason why.
you are the best thing that's ever been mine.
czasami jest mi bardzo zimno i bardzo smutno i nie mam nikogo,kto chciałby zamienić moje łzy na uśmiech,ale to nic...
i wanna know what you're feeling,what do you see when you close your eyes?
wie pan co jest poniżające?poniżające jest kochać człowieka,który ma cię za nic.
in french,you don't really say i miss you.you say "tu me manques" which is closer to "you are missing from me".you are a part of me,you are essential to my being.you are like a limb,or an organ,or blood.i can hardly function without you.
that’s how the darkness descends upon the world.but first the shining moments.to offer warmth.understanding.acceptance.forgiveness.love.
i will stay,nobody will break you...
does this darkness have a name?this cruelty,this hatred.how did it find us?did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it?what happened to us,that we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war?hoping for their safe return,but knowing that some will be lost along the way.when did we lose our way?consumed by the shadows,swallowed whole by the darkness.does this darkness have a name?is it your name?