i'm yours to keep.
maybe it’s best to get through the day half-asleep.maybe that’s the only way to get through today.
maybe you don't need the whole world to love you,you know,maybe you just need one person.
i didn’t say “i love you” to hear it back.i said it to make sure you knew.
it may take time but there is someone waiting to hold your hand.
sometimes you meet someone and even though you never liked brown eyes before,their eyes are your new favourite colour.
i want you to be with me in the dark.to hold me.to keep loving me.to help me when i get scared.to come right to the edge and see what's there.
maybe you're just scared because for once someone actually wants to be with you.
it’s been a long time since i came around,it’s been along time but i’m back in town,but this time i’m not leaving without you.
maybe you just have to live for the small things,like being called pretty or someone picking up the pen you dropped or laughing so hard that your stomach hurts.maybe that’s all that really matters at the end of the day.
wait for the boy that would do anything to be your everything.
i think you could fall in love with anyone if you got to see the parts of them that noone else gets to see.like i you followed them around for a day and saw them crying in their bed or singing to themselves as they make a sandwich.i think,after seeing them at their most vunerable,you wouldn't be able to help falling in love with them.