I'm eating my feelings and they taste delicious lelja
I'm eating my feelings and they taste delicious/lelja
Sometimes the people who don't talk to you are the ones that really want to./lelja
Yep, still lonely in Valentine's Day/lelja
If I were you...I'd fucking love me, what the fuck is wrong with you? / haha, od lelja
When I get upset, I shut down. I feel like I should be crying or screaming or something but I can't because I'm turned off. I go silent and don't talk very much. I just sit there, and think/lelja
I love you but I love myself more / lelja z małą przeróbką:D
Why don't you just imagine it never happened? /lelja
If you have to choose between me and her, choose her. Because, if you really loved me, there wouldn't be another choice/lelja
Czuję w sobie ogromną potrzebę mówienia ludziom miłych rzeczy, ale Oni wszystko psują zanim zdążę się wysłowić./lelja