'Between the lines of fear and blame.'
'Between the lines of fear and blame.'
'Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk.'
- You're always saving me.
- Somebody's got to.
" Twój umysł jest jednym wielkim przerażeniem.
Twoje serce jest jednym wielkim strachem..."
remember me?
i once meant everything for you
i'm fragile,
don't break me
od dotyków się nie zasypia,
od dotyków nie można zasnąć
i rozciągają się oczy na szerokość łóżka
I'm the kind that your mom and your daddy
were afraid you'd turn out to be like
I'm the kind of girl that boys fantasize
I'm the kind of girl that girls don't like
can't change the way I am
sexy, naughty, bitchy me
Come on, baby,
be my bad boyfriend.