głupie teksty, śmieszne teksty, opisy gadu-gadutwój portal społecznościowy
lelja You know you're lazy when you get excited about cancelled plans. You know you're read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have a


You know you're lazy when you get excited about cancelled plans.
You know you're lazy when you get... teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

You know you're lazy when you get excited about cancelled plans.

You know you're read a good book when... teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

You know you're read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have a lost a friend.

One day we wake up and we realise the... teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

One day we wake up and we realise the world sucks.

'Tu nie chodzi o to  żebym ja na... teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

'Tu nie chodzi o to, żebym ja na Ciebie liczyła. Chodzi o to, żebyś Ty na mnie liczył. Żebyś wiedział, żebyś zawsze wiedział, że masz na świecie człowieka, do którego w każdy dzień, w każdym stanie i o każdej godzinie możesz przyjść.' -Agnieszka Osiecka, list do Marka Hłaski

Red like blood  Red like love. teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

Red like blood, Red like love.

I'd rather feel nothing. It's better... teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

I'd rather feel nothing. It's better, it's easier.

Who cares what anybody thinks? teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

Who cares what anybody thinks?

If loving fashion is a crime  we... teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

If loving fashion is a crime, we plead guilty.

We all love people who don't deserve it. teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

We all love people who don't deserve it.

I wish everyone knew how much of a... teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

I wish everyone knew how much of a lying piece of shit you are.

People cry  not because they're weak.... teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they,ve been strong for too long.

And  every moment I spend with you is... teksty

lelja dodano: 31 stycznia 2012

And, every moment I spend with you is the most beautiful thing in my life.

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