głupie teksty, śmieszne teksty, opisy gadu-gadutwój portal społecznościowy
lelja I'm just empty. So fucking empty Why have you lie to me? The sad thing is I actually thought you were different. That feeling you get when you hug someone and y


I'm just empty. So fucking empty
I'm just empty. So fucking empty teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

I'm just empty. So fucking empty

Why have you lie to me? teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

Why have you lie to me?

The sad thing is  I actually thought... teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

The sad thing is, I actually thought you were different.

That feeling you get when you hug... teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

That feeling you get when you hug someone and you just don't wanna let go.

I should stop wasting my time. teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

I should stop wasting my time.

We all mess up sometimes. teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

We all mess up sometimes.

Okay. Everybody just pretend to be... teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

Okay. Everybody just pretend to be normal,okay?

 Coś ci powiem na ucho:... teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

"Coś ci powiem na ucho: najważniejsza jest czułość. Ani jędrne pośladki, ani piękna dusza, ani księżyc w pełni."

Chodź  kupimy dwie kraty piwa i... teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

Chodź, kupimy dwie kraty piwa i zamkniemy się u mnie w domu na tydzień. Wyłączymy komórki, zapomnimy o tym całym świecie, będziemy tylko pić, kochać się, przytulać, śmiać i grać w gry.

“We are all of us stars  and we... teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

“We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.” -Marilyn Monroe

I love You but don't know what to do. teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

I love You but don't know what to do.

Everyday we ignore how completely... teksty

lelja dodano: 8 luty 2012

Everyday we ignore how completely broken this world is.

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