Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
There are a lot of people who call you by your name. But there is only one person who can make it sound so damn special.
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
Love is the person you think about during the sad songs.
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
Every story has an end, but in life, every ending is just a new beginning.
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
No matter how good or bad our life is. Wake up each morning and be thankful that you still have one.
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
„Opłakiwanie tego, co nie wróci, jest najgorszą z ludzkich słabości.” - Khalil Gibran
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
Remember what I told you about nerds? That's who you want to marry, cause they make a lot of money.
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
The only person standing in your way is you.
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
Ale mimo wszystkich różnic mieli jedną cechę wspólną, mianowicie- szaleli za sobą.
lelja dodano: 19 luty 2012 |
"Emocje są głupie. Raz są, raz ich nie ma. Robią w człowieku zamieszanie, a później w jednej sekundzie znikają bez śladu." -Marta Madera „Ślimaki w ogródku”