głupie teksty, śmieszne teksty, opisy gadu-gadutwój portal społecznościowy
lelja Some girls want vampires but I'm waiting for my time lord. I wasted my wishes on you. Take it day by day. Results don't come overnight. Change doesn't happen im


Some girls want vampires but I'm waiting for my time lord.
Some girls want vampires but I'm... teksty

lelja dodano: 22 luty 2012

Some girls want vampires but I'm waiting for my time lord.

I wasted my wishes on you. teksty

lelja dodano: 22 luty 2012

I wasted my wishes on you.

Take it day by day. Results don't... teksty

lelja dodano: 22 luty 2012

Take it day by day. Results don't come overnight. Change doesn't happen immediately. Keep working towards your goals.

You're not listening to me. teksty

lelja dodano: 22 luty 2012

You're not listening to me.

Oh you replaced me? Cool. teksty

lelja dodano: 22 luty 2012

Oh you replaced me? Cool.

I no longer give a fuck. Well I do... teksty

lelja dodano: 22 luty 2012

I no longer give a fuck. Well I do, but, fuck it.

I should have given you a reason to... teksty

lelja dodano: 22 luty 2012

I should have given you a reason to stay.

Does anybody remember laughter? teksty

lelja dodano: 22 luty 2012

Does anybody remember laughter?

Nie jestem wulgarna. Po prostu zdarza... teksty

lelja dodano: 21 luty 2012

Nie jestem wulgarna. Po prostu zdarza mi się, że mam zajebiście wyszukane słownictwo.

Don't lose faith. I didn't promise it... teksty

lelja dodano: 21 luty 2012

Don't lose faith. I didn't promise it would be easy. I promised it would be worth it.

Mężczyzna jest zazdrosny o swoją... teksty

lelja dodano: 21 luty 2012

Mężczyzna jest zazdrosny o swoją kobietę...gdy zdaje sobie sprawę, że ktoś inny mógłby traktować ją lepiej.

If I have you I'll be okay. teksty

lelja dodano: 21 luty 2012

If I have you I'll be okay.

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