A girl plays with your mind. A woman explores it.
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
A girl plays with your mind. A woman explores it.
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
What we see depends mainly on what we look for...
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
A girl happiest when she knows that you make her your everything. In front of everyone, every time.
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
I won't give my heart to anyone. But if you are brave enough, you can try to steal it.
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
"Upon meeting you I felt I should be with you always"
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
"- mój drogi...
- moja droga. i twoja droga. tak się szelestnie przecięły. śniły mi się twoje buty obok moich."
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
"Łatwo jest podjąć spokojną, rozsądną decyzję z wieczora, co innego zaś wprowadzić ją w czyn w jasnym blasku dnia." — Truman Capote, "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
"Nowe życie nie zaczyna się od zmiany otoczenia, tylko od zmiany perspektywy." -B. Dobroczyński
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
You know something? Nobody ever does anaything to be nice. They always want to get something out of it.
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
I'd like to fall asleep with you.
lelja dodano: 20 marca 2012 |
It's the little things that make life wonderful.
lelja dodano: 19 marca 2012 |
"They say ooh! she walks around like she's the one important, like she owns the world, catching eyes and jealousing you haters but respect from all my girlz."