Where words fail music speaks.
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
Where words fail, music speaks.
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
Let's go drink until we can't feel feelings anymore.
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
Seduce my mind and you can have my body, Find my soul and I'm yours forever.
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
Saturday is a day for sleeping, and damn it, you will not take that away from me!
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
"I'm pretty. You're pretty. Let's go home and stare at each other."
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
Maybe one day we'll find the place where our dreams and reality collide.
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
"Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more." - Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
Don't get mad when a girl cares too much. Worry when she starts to not care at all.
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
It's hard to put your heart out again when everyone you have open up to has let you down.
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
Pink wine makes me, slutty!
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
"Let's just go out to dinner, and then just nail each other. Just pound each other."
lelja dodano: 22 kwietnia 2012 |
Yes, I am a wreck. & it may hurt me to see you but no matter what, on goes the mascara, on goes the lip gloss I'll be the prettiest darn wreck you'v ever seen.