"Kocham ją wbrew rozsądkowi, wbrew temu, co sobie przyrzekłem, wbrew własnemu spokojowi,wbrew nadziei, wbrew szczęściu i mimo wszystkich rozczarowań ktore mogą mnie spotkać." / Pretty little liars
Posłuchaj, powiem to w ten sposób:dla mnie jesteś numerem jeden, a numer dwa nawet nie istnieje.
każdego dnia walczę o swoje szczęście. wstaję rano, i nawet jeśli nie mam ochoty - wmuszam w siebie uśmiech, który po chwili staje się szczery. trzymam przy sobie z całych sił ludzi, których kocham, nie pozwalając im odejść. przebijam się przez fałsz, nienawiść, i całe to gówno panujące w okół, próbując złapać choć gram prawdziwości, i szczerości,która w życiu tak bardzo potrzebna jest, by funkcjonować. walczę - i nie dam odebrać sobie tego, co już osiągnęłam, nigdy.
Mam chyba w mózgu larwy bo ciągle słyszę szepty. Mówią, że ludzie są szpetni a cały świat to śmietnik.
Jeśli to czytasz wiedz, że Cię kocham.
I want all that is not mine
I want him but we’re not right
Give me love like never before
'Cause lately I've been craving more
It seems the more we talk
The less I have to say
And I won't let you go
And I won't let you down
I won't give you up
Don't you give up on me now
“I don’t want to be alone. I have never wanted to be alone. I fucking hate it. I hate that I have no one to talk to, I hate that I have no one to call, I hate that I have no one to hold my hand, hug me, tell me everything is going to be all right. I hate that I have no one to share my hopes and dreams with. I hate that I no longer have any hopes or dreams, I hate that I have no one to tell me to hold on, that I can find them again. I hate that when I scream, and I scream bloody murder, that I am screaming into emptiness. I hate how there is no one to hear my scream and that there is no one to help me learn how to stop screaming. I hate that what I’ve turned to in my lonliness lives in a pipe or a bottle. I hate that what I have turned to in my lonliness is killing me, has already killed me, or will kill me soon. I hate that I will die alone. I will die alone in my own horror.” — A Million Little Pieces.
look at you. you're young. you're scared. why are you so scared? stop being paralyzed. stop swallowing your words. stop caring about what other people think. wear what you want. say what you want. listen to the music you want to listen to. play it loud as fuck and dance to it. go out for a drive at midnight and forget you have work the next day. stop waiting for friday. live now. do it now. take risks. tell secrets. this life is yours.
no expectations means no disappointments