Dostajesz tyle ile sam dajesz.
Dostajesz tyle, ile sam dajesz.
Niewiarygodne, na ile sposobów ludzie mnie wkurwiają w ciągu jednego dnia.
wiele razy mówię sobie:" dziś będę najlepsza" , a po chwili uświadamiam sobie, że to przecież nierealne
Staralam sie być miła, ale mi nie pykło!
Thanks for being there when I need to use you.
before you tell me what i did wrong, you should first know that I don't care.
if you can't laugh at yourself, I'll do it for you.
I think of you every time i don't touch myself.
just because I missed you doesn't mean , I wish you were there.
I love that you're always up for doing nothing.
I want to grow old with You;**
words can't express how much I don't care.