someone once told me that you have to choose what you win or lose you cant have everything dont you take chances you might feel the pain dont you love in vain c
someone once told me
that you have to choose
what you win or lose
you cant have everything
dont you take chances
you might feel the pain
dont you love in vain
cause love wont set you free
i could stand by the side
and watch this life pass me by
so unhappy but safe as could be.
round my hometown,
memories are fresh.
i get lost in this world. i get lost in your eyes.
spróbuj powiedzieć to, nim uwierzysz, że nie warto mówić kocham.
i will be the queen of spades, you be the king of hearts.
nie dostaniesz drugiej szansy, by zrobić dobre pierwsze wrażenie.
whatever happens, don't let go of my hand.
i don’t mind it.
i don’t mind at all.
now all i want is just my stuff back.
do you get that?
let me repeat that.
i want my stuff back.
verseco dodano: 31 października 2009 |
i wish i was your favourite girl.