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sweetdefeat Jesteś cały mój ja cała twoja... You are the most beautiful girl in the world. The girl of my dreams! this poor guy really thinks you like him. Everytime he wa


Jesteś cały mój ja cała twoja...
 Jesteś cały mój  ja cała twoja...  teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 25 października 2021

"Jesteś cały mój, ja cała twoja..."

 You are the most beautiful girl in... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 25 października 2021

"You are the most beautiful girl in the world. The girl of my dreams!"

   this poor guy really thinks you... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 25 października 2021

"- this poor guy really thinks you like him. Everytime he was coming over, he never took his eyes off you. Maybe next time he will come over I will give him your number and set you up on a date. That would be quite interesting to see. Haha - Are you out of your mind?! Would you seriously give him my number?!! - No!!do you really think I would be able to do that? I would never do that!! - Good. He already knows where I am working. So it wouldn't be so hard to stalk me on the way back home and do god knows what else... that is actually kind of scary to even think of... - if I would find out that he is stalking you or even getting closer to you, I would literally kill him! Don't you worry. I've got you. "

Znam to uczucie. Jakbym czytala o sobie .. teksty sweetdefeat dodał komentarz: Znam to uczucie. Jakbym czytala o sobie .. do wpisu 25 października 2021
After few chocolates given today... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 25 października 2021

After few chocolates given today, really didn't want to eat anymore of them, but I couldn't help myself and eaten few. Apparently given food has no calories - they say... in the end I have asked you a question: " - Do you want me to be fat? - I want you to be mine..."

And we went to the town on Friday... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 25 października 2021

And we went to the town on Friday night to see what is going on at the clubs. We didn't plan to actually go partying, but just wanted to look around. I knew you were out in the cinema that evening. Men night - as they say. Thought maybe you would be out too. Was keep searching you in the crowd. God, what am I doing? This is becoming an obsession...

 Może znaczysz więcej niż sam... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 22 października 2021

"Może znaczysz więcej niż sam wiesz, Może pragnę Cię bardziej niż ktokolwiek kiedyś pragnął Cię... I dokładnie tak, tak smakuje ten lęk i strach, że gdy skończy się dzień tak spokojnie mi odpowiesz, że to co mam, nie wystarczy ci. To co mam, nie mogłam dłużej kryć..."

When I first found out about your... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 22 października 2021

When I first found out about your feelings I have panicked and wanted to quit the job. I was thinking it was my fault, that I have done something inappropriate and couldn't stand that feeling that I could ever show any more interest that I really should. But it happened already and I cannot do anything about that. Maybe if there would be a different circumstances we would be together or not, maybe if I wouldn't be married we could be together? Or maybe we wouldn't even know each other...? Let's hope in another life we will meet again and repair the mistakes...

 I love it when you do it like that... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 22 października 2021

"I love it when you do it like that And when you're close up, give me the shivers..."

 Waste my time  not so sure that I'll... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 24 września 2021

"Waste my time, not so sure that I'll be yours, but baby you could be mine..."

 A familiar sound  a familiar... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 24 września 2021

"A familiar sound, a familiar voice... a familiar face, a familiar smile... makes it so hard to make a choice... I don't know if I should stay... away..."

I staram sie nie angażować... teksty

sweetdefeat dodano: 22 września 2021

I staram sie nie angażować, trzymać się na dystans. Ale powiedzmy sobie szczerze, jest zajebiście ciężko....

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