some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit. sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss and it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to these rules. there's nothing I wouldn't do to have just one more chance to look into your eyes and see you looking back
comparisons are easily done once you’ve had a taste of perfection..
I hate everything about you.. WHY DO I LOVE YOU?
jestem już zbyt zmęczona udawaniem, że jestem szczęśliwa. jak się zacznie jebać, to będzie się jebać, aż się zjebie po całości..
I need you here with me all the time, baby we meant to be, you got me smiling all the time
be a king? think not - why be a king when you can be a God?
now you’ve gone somewhere else, far away, I don’t know if I will find you, but you feel my breath, on your neck, can’t believe I’m right behind you cause you keep me coming back for more and I feel a little better than I did before, and if I never see your face again, I DON'T MIND
If I had a time machine, I'm passin ya
nie śmiej się przed zachodem słońca.
I found the one he changed my life, but was it me that changed? and he just happened to come at the right time. I'm supposed to be in love, but i'm not mugging.(...) there's no one to call cause I'm just playing games with them all. the more I swear I'm happy, the more that I'm feeling alone, cause I spent every hour just going through the motions, I can't even get the emotions to come out. dry as a bone, but I just wanna shout 'what now?'..I don't know where to go, I don't know what to feel, I don't know how to cry, I don't know why
to ten rodzaj czekania, kiedy wiesz, że się nie doczekasz, ale mimo wszystko czekasz dalej..
is she a ride or die bitch? does she know I'm tattooed onto your heart? you can try to fight it. I have left my mark on you, there is nothing you can do