come into this room and let me show you how much i miss you
come into this room and let me show you how much i miss you
just to have your eyes on little me, that’d be mine forever
you’ve got that smile, that only heaven can make
I see a pretty girl and I wanna make her mine
If I take it all off, I bet you like what you see
najmniej mówimy o rzeczach o których najwięcej myślimy
you're like the old song, which i don't listen but i still know the lyrics.
don't ask what you did wrong. think about whether you've done anything at all.
chcieć to móc. więc mogę, bo to mnie nęci
patrzysz na mnie. patrzysz i gotuje mi się krew
tylko patrz i spojrzeniem wyznawaj mi miłość
my i słońce i nikogo, nawet wiatru wokół