i wish that you knew when i said two sugars actually i meant three.
i wish that you knew when i said two sugars, actually i meant three.
your fingertips across my skin.
your image is not built on how many love you, but how many trust you.
everyone wants to hear the truth until it hurts.
theres only two people i trust, one of them happens to be me and the other is just not you.
the only person you can really trust is yourself.
trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if its broke but you can still see the cracks in that motherfuckers reflection.
never trust someone who lies to you. never lie to someone who trusts you.
every friendship, every relationship, is bound to fall apart when you start keeping things to yourself. secrets don't destroy things but suspicion does.
i've learned the best way to prevent your heart from getting broken, is to act like you don't have one.
if you say you can trust someone then u r admitting to something even greater then love. trust involves all your thoughts and emotions to be given to someone so they can have. trusting someone is knowing that you can be hurt so bad that none can even know. this is why trust is a word of great power.
life is just an endless chain of judgements.