If you ever leave me baby leave some morphine out my door. 'Cause it would take a whole lot of medication to realize what we used to have we don't have anymore...
" If you ever leave me baby, leave some morphine out my door. 'Cause it would take a whole lot of medication, to realize what we used to have, we don't have anymore... "
If you walk away, everyday it will rain...
Turn away, cause I need you more.
" Każdego dnia, dziękuję Bogu za to, że Cię mam... "
" Tutaj miał być piękny tekst o prawdziwej, szczerej, bezinteresownej, jedynej, wyjątkowej, nie znającej granic i trwającej do końca życia MIŁOŚCI, ale autora dopadła pieprzona RZECZYWISTOŚĆ i reszta jego przemyśleń nie nadaje się do publikacji. "
I hope karma slaps you in the face before I do, bitch.
I'm sorry sometimes I get a little jealous, thinking that someone else could make you happier than I could. I guess, it's my insecurities acting up. Because I know that I'm not the prettiest, smartest or most fun and exciting girl. But I do know that no matter how hard and long you look, YOU'LL NEVER FIND SOMEBODY THAT LOVES YOU LIKE I DO.
Drama, Lies and Tears. Cheers to the teenage years.