I bleed my heart out just for you
I bleed my heart out just for you
I know you don't care too much , but i still care. / beyonce - I care
When I lay with you I could stay there,
Close my eyes, feel you here forever,
You and me together, nothing is better! / adele - set fire to the rain
However far away I will always love you.
However long I stay I will always love you.
Whatever words I say I will always love you,
I will always love you. / adele - lovesong.
Will I ever know how it feels to hold you close,
and have you tell me whichever road I choose, you'll go? / adele - one and only
I swear I never meant to let it die.
I just don't care about you anymore . / three days grace - let it die.
I hate everything about you.
Why do I love you . / three days grace - i hate everything about you.
Proszę rozbij tą szybę proszę rozbij to lustro,
chcę Ciebie widzieć i niech zniknie oszustwo. / buka - proszę
you would have said "i love you" in the cutest place on earth,
where some butterflies are dancing with the fairies / soko - i'll kill her
Jak odnaleźć lepsze jutro proszę powiedz mi, co uczynić by łzy zamienić w sny.. / chada.
czas to bezlitosny sędzia, dobre chwile ci zostawia tylko na nieostrych zdjęciach.
nie zrozum mnie źle kocham Cię ale nienawidzę bardziej.. / paragraf.