Jestem tą dziewczyna która ma zawsze telefon w ręce słuchawki w uszach i tego jednego w myślach
Jestem tą dziewczyna, która ma zawsze telefon w ręce, słuchawki w uszach i tego jednego w myślach
jestem samolubna, niecierpliwa i trochę niepewna siebie. popełniam błedy ,trace kontrole i czasem jestem trudna do zniesienia. ale jesli nie potrafisz zniesc mnie kiedy jestem najgorsza, to cholernie pewne ,ze nie zaslugujesz na mnie kiedy jestem najlepsza
You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.
If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?
I enjoy the work, I enjoy every minute of my professional life.
The secret is to work less as individuals and more as a team.
Don't give up. Don't ever give up.
A basketball team is like the five fingers on your hand. If you can get them all together, you have a fist. That's how I want you to play.
Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.
I'm always going back to one thing - my family... It's my family, my religion, my fighters. Put them in any order you want.
It doesn't matter who scores the points, it's who can get the ball to the scorer.
I've got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.