The secret to being happy is realizing that no matter how bad life is it can always get worse.
beatak dodano: 4 września 2011 |
The secret to being happy is realizing that no matter how bad life is, it can always get worse.
beatak dodano: 4 września 2011 |
Always tell the truth and you never have to remember what you said!
/Zawsze mow prawde a juz nigdy nie bedziesz musial pamietac co powiedziales!
beatak dodano: 4 września 2011 |
If you are afraid of criticism … say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.
beatak dodano: 4 września 2011 |
It’s like every time I take a step away from you, something’s pulling me back....
beatak dodano: 4 września 2011 |
I act like I don't care.., but the truth is I care too much.
beatak dodano: 4 września 2011 |
People don’t change -- you just never knew who they really were.
beatak dodano: 4 września 2011 |
I want someone to know me, Maybe tell me who I am...
beatak dodano: 4 września 2011 |
Sometimes I wonder why words can mean nothing and silence can mean everything.
beatak dodano: 4 września 2011 |
It's hard to answer the question 'what's wrong?' when nothing's right.
beatak dodano: 3 września 2011 |
Żółw musi być taki twardy na zewnątrz bo jest taki miękki w środku...
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27 marca 2011 |
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22 luty 2011 |