When someone starts telling you something but they end up saying Never mind so you're like TELL ME!!
When someone starts telling you something but they end up saying, "Never mind," so you're like "TELL ME!!"
l hate feeling like l'm not good enough for the person l like.
I'm not flirting. I'm just being extra nice to someone who is extra attractive. ;)
I miss the times we spent together, I miss when we talk about nothing for hours, I miss our 'I love you more' fights, I miss you.
Every girl needs a good guy who can help her laugh when she thinks she'll never smile again.
Every girl wants to be romanced, swept off her feet, treated like a princess and live a fairy tale life! Don't settle! Decent men do exist!
I hate seeing people go back to the same person who hurt them a million times.
I smile every time I hear your name. :)
Czy gdybym po prostu umarła, tęskniłbyś ??
One more fucking love song i'll be sick.
Najmniejszych gestów wszyscy się boją i ich sobie szczędzą!
Najmniejsze gesty czynią nas szczęśliwymi.