To dla ciebie ubieram się modnie:
nie w biustonosz, rajtuzy i spodnie.
To dla Ciebie pomysły mam nowe.
To dla Ciebie straciłam głowę.
tylko suknia mnie zdradzi szelestem,
więc założę na szyję kapelusz,
po nim poznasz mnie dziś, przyjacielu.
Swoje ciało umieszczam w sukience.
wkładam nogi, piersi i ręce,
ale głowę zostawiam na stole,
bo bez głowy na miasto iść wolę.
Take some time and learn to breathe
and remember what it means
to feel alive
It's not the first time
and this won't be the last
that my heart is failing
I'm in love with all the things I know I should resist
Just look at yourself, do you like what you see?
Look at yourself, is this how it should be?
You're gonna have to live with the things you say
You'll have to cross bridges that you burned today
And everything you do, it's coming back for you
You'll never outrun what waits for you
'Cause nothing's gonna last forever
and things, they change like the weather,
they're gone in the blink of an eye
I didn't speak to a single person today. It's just me and you, diary. Welcome to my fucking life.
I turned it into my armor, my defense mechanism,
and my weapon of self destruction.
You gotta laugh when you're the joke