'Love life meaning… over.' Jak zawsze słodko Ahh xD 5 xD
"'Love, life, meaning… over.' "
Jak zawsze słodko ;] | Ahh xD 5 xD
"Deep into the darkness where I hide..."
Pwr...Domek xD! | 7 :D :D
'Love, life, meaning… over.'
Wrocław. |cudownie xD 5 xD
Love, life, meaning… over.'
Wrocław. |cudownie xD 5 xD
'Deep into the darkness where I hide...'
domek:) :** |cudownie xD 5 xD
'Deep into the darkness where I hide...'
domek:) :** |5 xD
'Deep into the darkness where I hide...'
domek:) :** |6 xD
'Deep into the darkness where I hide...'
domek:) :* | 6 xD
'Deep into the darkness where I hide...'
domek:) :**
'With the moon I run
Far from the carnage of the fiery sun'
domek:) :**
'With the moon I run
Far from the carnage of the fiery sun'
TV xD Kom;*
"Deep into the darkness where I hide..."
Pwr...Domek xD! | 7 :D :D