Make them never forget you and never regret they met you ♥ by viQucha.
Make them never forget you and never regret they met you ♥ by viQucha.
A friend is someone who accepts your past, believes in your future and understands you ♥ by viQucha.
Friends are kisses blown tp us by angels ♥ by viQucha.
I wanna be forever young ♥ by viQucha.
Trust no player, fear no bitch, give no pussy, suck no dick. People play games, and are full of shit. Play the role and be the baddest bitch ! ♥ by viQucha.
Guys are like bra's, they hook up behind your back. :// by viQucha.
Don't make sense, make dollars. ;D by viQucha.
Ugghhh..... Nienawidzę kiedy czekolada mi się odrazu roztapia w palcach....... Mam namyśli, czy ja naprawdę jestem taka GORĄCA ? ♥ by viQucha. haha
Uśmiechaj się nawet jeżeli boli tam w środku, nie daj im tej satysfakcjii z tego że masz doła. ♥ by viQucha.
You appear just like a dream to me ♥ by viQucha.
1+1 = 2 czasami 1+1 = 11 a w miłości 1+1 = 1 (no chyba że nie użyjesz prezerwatywy to będzie 1+1 = 3 ) ;p by viQucha.
Baby, don't cry ! just say "fuck you" and smile ♥ by viQucha.