Don't lower your standards, it leads to disappointment
Nic gorszego niż pragnienie czegoś czego nie można mieć.
Nothing worse than wanting something you can't have.
Nie ma znaczenia ile razy mówię do siebie , musze posortować swoje życie i przestać być taka zawiedziony, po prostu trzeba cieszyć sie z zycia .< 3
Doesn't matter how much I say to myself I need to sort my life out and stop being such a let down, it will never happen so I'll just enjoy being a dick. : D
you're teaching me to love the feeling i once hated < 3
You're the risk I'll always take
Welcome to our world, we are the wasted youth and we are the future too. < 3
Next thing, we're touching < 3
It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this, it was only a kiss
Why the hell do I find arrogance so attractive...