Cause that's me don't have to spend a dime baby I just want your time
Cause that's me, don't have to spend a dime baby I just want your time
When you hurt, when you suffer - I'm your angel undercover...
slow down baby, I'm not your lady...
you're searching my sight and now you avoid it..
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket...
all I have to do to meet the ideal men is to give birth to him :)
Tell me how to forgive ...
If I was drowning in the sea, would you dive right in and save me?
So mother, I thank you for all that you've done and still do :)
'Jest wiele rzeczy,których nie widzimy, a istnieją i są ważne...' :)
'Jest wiele rzeczy,których nie widzimy, a istnieją i są ważne...'
Kobieta wie,że 2+2 zmieni się w 5,jak będzie płakać i zrobi awanturę