głupie teksty, śmieszne teksty, opisy gadu-gadutwój portal społecznościowy
coke live music festival! ja chce... teksty

oluu dodano: 3 marca 2010

coke live music festival! ja chce juuuuuuuuuuuuż :(

Jestem na melanżu teksty

oluu dodano: 2 marca 2010

Jestem na melanżu

geografia. teksty

oluu dodano: 1 marca 2010


the wreckers  the good kind teksty

oluu dodano: 28 luty 2010

the wreckers- the good kind

the wreckers  the good kind BŁAGAM... teksty

oluu dodano: 28 luty 2010

the wreckers- the good kind BŁAGAM NIE JUTRO!!:

the wreckers  the good kind BŁAGAM... teksty

oluu dodano: 28 luty 2010

the wreckers- the good kind BŁAGAM NIE!:

the wreckers  the good kind  teksty

oluu dodano: 28 luty 2010

the wreckers- the good kind

nobody said it was easy it's such a... teksty

oluu dodano: 28 luty 2010

nobody said it was easy it's such a shame for us to part.

nobody said it was easy.  teksty

oluu dodano: 28 luty 2010

nobody said it was easy.

nobody says it was easy.  teksty

oluu dodano: 28 luty 2010

nobody says it was easy.

the wreckers  the good kind  teksty

oluu dodano: 28 luty 2010

the wreckers- the good kind

the wreckers  the good kind jest... teksty

oluu dodano: 27 luty 2010

the wreckers- the good kind jest brąz! :d!!!!!! BRAWKA!!

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