you're the reason I live, You're the reason I die, You're my angel
you're the reason I live, You're the reason I die, You're me angel
you're the reason I live, You're the reason I die,
sto lat sto lat niech zyje ...... o k.... to nie te swieto upssss :)
sto lat sto lat niech zyje ...... o k.... to nie te swieto upssss
sto lat sto lat niech zyje zyje ...... o k.... to nie te swieto upssss
tyle klamstwa w okol nas zeby zdobyc cholerny szmal i jak tu zyc jak:(
tyle klamstwa w okol nas zeby zdobyc cholerny szmal i jak tu zyc jak
tyle klamstwa w okol nas zeby zdobyc cholerny szmal i jak tu zyc no ja