If I could stick to you, and you could stick me too.
She said: "Kiss me, it'll heal, but it won't forget".
That blue is getting me high and making me low.
Jak wstanę jutro o 6 to będzie cud.
Mężczyzna jest prosty w obsłudze - tylko jedna dźwignia.
Ulice mego miasta leżą podeptane...
Do I have to change my name,lol.
Personal Jesus - someone who cares,someone who's there.
Be obscene,be , be obscene. Marylin Manson...
I'm gettin' hard...for Madonna. Tick tock ,tick tock.
Nie wiem czy iść na próbę...będę po 20:30.
All I needed was someone who could keep me warm at night...