"And the boy, that ordinary boy Or was it all in my head?"
"And the boy, that ordinary boy Or was it all in my head?" krk:(
Lubie ten stan, rozkoszne sam na sam, cisza i ja, cisza ja i czas...
"A koci ogon w zęby, nie papierosy" ===> mój ciastek
"A koci ogon w zęby, nie papierosyA koci ogon w zęby, nie papierosy!"
"And the boy, that ordinary boy, or was it all in my head? " | krk
"Mój dom w którym pisze od lat, mój dom w którym płacze nie raz..."
"And the boy, that ordinary boy, or was it all in my head? "
Just a boy,Just an ordinary boy.But he was looking to the sky.
Well my heart knows me better than I know myself
I'll send you a sign, just so you know I'am me, the universe, and you
I'll send you a sing, just so you know I'am me, the universe, and you