głupie teksty, śmieszne teksty, opisy gadu-gadutwój portal społecznościowy
malinkaa_56 You are the apple on my eye You are the apple on my head lilu no And nothing matters except the beat of our hearts And nothing matters expect the beat of our he


You are the apple on my eye
You are the apple on my eye   teksty

malinkaa dodano: 15 marca 2009

You are the apple on my eye

You are the apple on my head   teksty

malinkaa dodano: 15 marca 2009

You are the apple on my head

lilu no teksty

malinkaa dodano: 14 marca 2009

lilu no

And nothing matters except the beat... teksty

malinkaa dodano: 10 marca 2009

And nothing matters except the beat of our hearts

And nothing matters expect the beat... teksty

malinkaa dodano: 10 marca 2009

And nothing matters expect the beat of our hearts

And nothing matters exept the beat of... teksty

malinkaa dodano: 10 marca 2009

And nothing matters exept the beat of our hearts

And nothing matters exept the beat of... teksty

malinkaa dodano: 9 marca 2009

And nothing matters exept the beat of our hearts

Bo miłość jak ogień rozpala nasze... teksty

malinkaa dodano: 9 marca 2009

Bo miłość jak ogień rozpala nasze serca

moj Artureeek        teksty

malinkaa dodano: 5 marca 2009

moj Artureeek ;-****

thank U for all the happiness that... teksty

malinkaa dodano: 4 marca 2009

thank U for all the happiness that you give me everyday

You can't feel anything that your... teksty

malinkaa dodano: 3 marca 2009

You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel

:  teksty

malinkaa dodano: 3 marca 2009


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